Worldwide 60W equivalent LED bulb price drops below $8.8 USD

By Editor


Greentech Lead America: LED bulb retail prices have continued to decline worldwide mainly due to the relatively low prices in the newly added Chinese and Taiwanese regions, says a new report from TrendForce.

Worldwide 40W replacement LED bulb average retail price dropped by 8.2 percent, reaching 17.8 USD whereas 60W replacement LED bulb average price in certain areas had a clear drop of 13 percent, reaching 25.7 USD.

The 40W replacement merchandise prices in the Chinese region are low with an average price of 11 USD, currently being the lowest among all the surveyed regions. The Taiwanese region merchandise prices are equally low, with a local-brand bulb dropped to a price of about 8.8 USD

The UK had a clear price drop in February of 0.6 percent, original merchandise prices slightly fluctuated, with the exchange rate rise bringing about the average price to slightly drop. This area’s newly added items are few.

However the Germany region prices rose 7.9 percent, original merchandise prices rose and the exchange rate dropped, leading to an increase in price in February.

The 40W replacement merchandise average price in the Japanese region dropped about 11 percent, with a stable decrease in original merchandise prices, and the rise in exchange rate also lead to the decrease. This area did not see any newly added items.

The average merchandise price in the US in February rose 5.9 percent. The original merchandise price has a slight fluctuation, and the newly added items’ high prices lead to the rise in the average price.

The Korean region in February saw a drop in price by 2 percent, the original merchandise prices did not change. The drop in price was due to the exchange rate growth. There was no new items added in this month.

In Febuary, 60W replacement LED bulb  worldwide average price declined 13 percent, reaching 25.7 USD.

In the Chinese region, 60W replacement merchandise prices is at about 20.3 USD, with the lowest being 7.8 USD, which is currently the lowest in all the surveyed regions. Aside from this, the price difference between products of international brands such as Philips and local brands is large.

The Taiwanese region 60W replacement merchandise price is 14.8 USD, with local brands maintains a price at 20 USD or lower. The average price in Japan in February dropped 5.8 percent, reaching 26.8 USD. The original products had a stable price drop, and this area did not see any newly added items.

The Korean area price dropped slightly by 2 percent, with original merchandise prices remaining the same. The price drop was caused by exchange rate growth. There were no new items released in this month.

The US during March had a price drop of 0.5 percent, with original merchandise prices having a slight fluctuation. The price in the UK dropped 9.6 percent, mainly due to the temporary stop of supply of certain original high-price products, leading to a decline.

Germany saw a price rise of 9.7 percent in February. Certain original merchandise prices rose, due to the end of New Year sale promotion period ending, which lead to a rise in average price. Also, the exchange rate decrease caused a price rise as well.

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