Government support spurs water and wastewater treatment technology in Australia and New Zealand

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Greentech Lead Asia: The market for membrane technologies used in water and wastewater treatment in Australia and New Zealand has earned revenues of over US$147.0 million in 2011 and estimates this to reach US$237.9 million in 2017, says a new research from Frost & Sullivan.Support from government and regulatory bodies have pushed the membrane technology market for water and wastewater treatment in Australia and New Zealand forward. Governments in both countries have developed a certification framework to impart necessary skills to water treatment facility operators, boosting the market’s preparedness for future developments.

“Australia and New Zealand’s high adaptability to new technologies and sustained investments from several global players will ensure the market’s stable growth,” said Frost & Sullivan Research Associate Janice Wung. “The countries’ strong culture of innovation in both public and private sectors, and Australia’s reputation as a hub for technology trials have enabled water and wastewater treatment plants to adapt quickly to the use of membrane systems.”

Australia water crisis

The market for membrane technology for water and wastewater treatment will continue to advance in Australia as rising water scarcity and a growing population heighten demand for usable water. Membrane processes will emerge as a favorable solution for water reclamation, driving the market toward maturity.

The adoption of membrane processes in New Zealand will mature along similar lines, although slowly, the research firm noted.

This maturing of the markets in Australia and New Zealand, however, acts as an entry barrier for entrants. End users prefer established, large-scale suppliers with greater technological resources; and smaller participants’ inability to provide competitively-priced products lowers their prospects.

“The markets remain lucrative for participants with high consumer acceptance and adaptability to advanced technologies,” concluded Wung. “Strong focus on research and development will enable manufacturers to boost technological development, improve cost efficiency, and expand market share in both countries.”

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