Trina Solar and Canadian Solar have revealed their record-breaking achievements certified by ISFH CalTeC and Fraunhofer ISE of Germany.
Canadian Solar
Canadian Solar announced that the company has set a world record of 22.28 percent conversion efficiency for its p-type multi-crystalline P5 cell.
The record P5 cell efficiency was tested and certified by Fraunhofer ISE of Germany in April 2019.
Canadian Solar in a statement said the 22.28 percent record cell was fabricated by utilizing 157mmx157mm P5 multi-crystalline wafers and other production-ready technologies such as selective emitter, silicon oxide passivation, multi-layer anti-reflection coating, aluminum oxide backside passivation, and advanced metallization.
Canadian Solar also employed the MCCE (or Metal Catalyzed Chemical Etch) black silicon technology.
Shawn Qu, chairman and CEO of Canadian Solar, said: “This shows that multi-crystalline technology can achieve higher efficiencies while still enjoy the cost advantage.”
Trina Solar
Trina Solar announced that its State Key Laboratory (SKL) of PV Science and Technology (PVST) of China has set a new world record of 24.58 percent for a high-efficiency n-type mono-crystalline silicon (c-Si) i-TOPCon solar cell.
The bifacial solar cell was fabricated on a large-sized 244.62 cm2 wafer with a low-cost industrial process of i-TOPCon (Industrial Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) technologies, having a front boron emitter and a rear full-area passivating contact.
The bifacial solar cell reached a total-area front side efficiency of 24.58 percent, without using any dedicated aperture during the illumination. This result has been independently confirmed by the ISFH CalTeC in Germany.
Jifan Gao, CEO of Trina Solar, said: “The R&D results lays a solid foundation for Trina to provide a new differentiated high-end PV modules and solutions to our customers.”