Greentech Lead America: Toshiba, NET Power, Shaw Group
and Exelon have signed an agreement to develop a next-generation thermal power
The four companies will support NET Power to commission
25 MW natural gas plant by 2014 and a 250 MW full-scale natural gas commercial
plant by 2017.
The companies are developing a system that produces a
supercritical pressured carbon dioxide (CO2) stream to drive a turbine
generator. The system eliminates the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by
burning a mixture of natural gas with oxygen instead of nitrogen-rich air and
separates and collects pressurized CO2Â without adding on a carbon capture
As per the agreement, Toshiba will develop the innovative
system’s high temperature and high pressure turbine and combustor, the key equipment
in thermal power plants.  NET Power and Shaw will
work on overall plant engineering and Exelon will
support development and operations of the 25MW plant.
Toshiba will also promote sales of the system globally,
especially in the U.S. and the Middle East.
Toshiba JSW sets up super critical technology based
turbine-generator facility in India
Recently, Toshiba JSW Turbine and Generator inaugurated
its steam turbine and generator manufacturing facility in Chennai, India. The
main plant was inaugurated in the presence of the J Jayalalithaa, chief
minister of Tamil Nadu.