Green Ray LED Lighting T8 lamp now most energy efficiency light approved by DOE

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Greentech Lead America: Green Ray LED Lighting announced Green Ray LED’s T8 lamp is now the world’s most energy efficient light approved by US Department of Energy (DOE).

The DOE issued the label to Green Ray LED’s T8 lamp through its program “Lighting Facts.” Independent test results concluded to date, no others have surpassed our standing 173 Lumens per Watt. This is a global record in efficiency for this type of lighting technology, the company said. .

Testing of Green Ray’s T8 4ft. lamp shows the lamp produces 2,600 lumens and has the effectiveness of 173 Lm/W using only 15 watts of energy with a CCT of 5000K.

Marty Fielding, director of Product Development, attributed this result to their team who collaborated with the latest technology, a high tech manufacturing process.

“Our obsessive nature to control the entire process from concept to completion (R&D, production, Q.C., certification and warranty), adding what we believe is the biggest asset of all… the ability to link our field personnel with the production team in a way that lets us produce a product specific to the needs of our customers,” Fielding said.


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