AFPM urges President Obama to take steps to strengthen energy security


AFPM urges President Obama to take steps to strengthen energy security

Greentech Lead America: The American Fuel &
Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) has urged President Obama to take steps to
strengthen energy security.  

AFPM says the current and proposed regulations and
programs by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Obama administration
are harming economy and threatening national security.

The trade association said that the increased taxes,
greenhouse gas controls under the Clean Air Act, Tier 3 gasoline sulfur
regulations, and unrealistic biofuel mandates are harming U.S. economy.

“Secretary Chu’s sudden realization that raising
fuel prices is not a prescription for recovery should be good news for
consumers, the economy, and energy and national security, but the credibility
of his new position could be strengthened if he would encourage the President
to embrace an energy policy based on today’s realities instead of tomorrow’s dreams,”
said AFPM president Charles T. Drevna.

President Obama has previously indicated his energy
policy seeks to increase, rather than lower, consumer energy prices.

AFPM urges President Obama to make the right decisions on
the overly burdensome and conflicting Environmental Protection Agency
regulations that threaten to raise fuel costs; allowing open access to oil and
gas reserves on federal lands and off country’s shores and approving the
Keystone XL pipeline from Canada and eliminating the rhetoric and demagoguery
that underlies calls to increase taxes on fuel manufacturers, which would only
serve to increase the cost of producing these essential products AFPM said.

“It is time for the President and EPA to consider
the secretary’s comments and act appropriately. American manufacturers of fuels
and petrochemicals can help build a better future for the American people if
regulatory conditions are improved and the nation is allowed to develop its
abundant energy resources,” Drevna added.