Trina Solar achieves new milestone for multi-crystalline silicon cells

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Trina Solar announced that it has achieved an average efficiency of 20.16 percent for its industrially-produced P-type multi-crystalline silicon cells (156 x 156 mm2) with passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) technology.

Additionally the Trina Solar has achieved an average efficiency of 18.7 percent for its multi-crystalline silicon P-type double print (DP) cells (156 x 156mm2) that were mass produced for commercial shipment.

Both the multi-crystalline PERC cells and DP cells are fabricated on a new generation of high-performance p-type Trina-1 wafers (T1 wafers).

Dr. Feng Zhiqiang, vice president of Trina Solar and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Science and Technology, said, “The improvements demonstrate our capabilities in continuously transforming lab technology into production practice as well as leveraging our advantages of vertical integration.”

Rajani Baburajan

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