tenKsolar PV Systems selected for multiple construction projects in Tenn

By Editor


Greentech Lead America:Adolfson & Peterson (A&P), a leading national construction firm, has selected tenKsolar RAIS solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays for multiple financed projects around the country, including projects at four Greene County, Tenn. schools.Each tenKsolar system will yield the highest output per watt under the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Green Power Providers program cap of 50,000 watts per installation, providing a reliable source of renewable energy for the schools.

tenKsolar’s RAIS PV modules will also provide an added level of safety to the schools by operating at a safe low voltage

A&P chose tenKsolar due to A&P’s prior experience with tenKsolar’s unmatched quality and leading energy output.

Joel Cannon, CEO of tenKsolar, added, “Our focus is on delivering optimized rooftop solar  PV systems with the highest output, ease of installation and low maintenance costs, all to provide a safe, renewable source of distributed energy generation on commercial rooftops.”

tenKsolar designed the RAIS PV system as a complete rooftop solar PV system. By designing a complete system, including the RAIS PV module with integrated power electronics, racking with energy boosting reflectors and balance of system electrical components, the RAIS PV system optimizes the energy production, ease of installation and long term system reliability.




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