Vitria to showcase operational intelligence for Smart Grid at Utility Analytics Institute Summit

By Editor


Vitria to showcase operational intelligence for Smart Grid at Utility Analytics Institute Summit

By Greentech Lead
Technology, an Operational Intelligence company, announced that Dale Skeen, CTO
and co-founder, will present a solution showcase on smart grid assurance at
Energy Central’s Utility Analytics Summit in Orlando, Florida on February 15,

Skeen will
demonstrate how Operational Intelligence delivers the ability to sift through
massive amounts of data, in real-time, and gain insight with the aid of live,
contextual dashboards to take targeted impactful actions.

Smart grid
and smart meter deployments generate volumes of data from distribution networks
and customer consumption patterns. If properly analyzed, this new wave of data
can be used to improve preemptive maintenance, demand management, real-time
pricing, customer care, and the most significant operational challenges,
according to a press release from Vitria

challenge is to turn all of this big data in motion into information and
insight that enables you to take action to maximize impact and value,”
Skeen said.

The Summit
will address how to develop a customer-centric culture with keynote
presentations from Energy Central, FreshDirect, and SAP. Attended by VPs,
directors, and managers of customer care, the Utility Analytics Institute
Summit will provide insights from utility experts on key issues, including
making better informed decisions, generating tangible business value from
existing assets, creating operational efficiencies across the grid, and
enhancing customer service and support.


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