Smart Grid technology provider Green Charge Networks unveils GridSynergy

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Smart Grid technology provider Green Charge Networks unveils GridSynergy

By Greentech Lead America: Green Charge Networks, a
provider in smart grid, and energy storage and management technology, has
launched GridSynergy, a business rules platform software for electric utilities
that helps them keep up with rising demands on the grid by using software
instead of hardware based service upgrades.

This solution is an end-to-end platform, which enables
utilities to maximize the efficiency and reliability of current assets by
real-time updates on the status of grid assets, recommendations for load relief
and subsequent execution of load relief. This avoids expensive hardware
upgrades while spending three to 10 times less.

“The commercial energy consumption market totals $40
billion annually and electricity is growing as the primary energy source.
Utilities will be faced with huge construction expenditures if they rely on
hardware versus software solutions to meet the growing demand,” said Vic
Shao, chief technology officer, GCN.

GridSynergy can turn vast amounts of data into actionable
intelligence, allowing utilities to increase asset utilization, reduce capital
expenditures, meet demand growth, and integrate demand response and demand
generation into grid operations. GridSynergy also enables small commercial
players who normally would not meet the minimum energy pledge to enroll in
demand response programs by aggregating the load of multiple facilities.

GridSynergy Intelligence software module distills
intelligence from large data sets and provides load flow analysis. The engine
renders visualizations and computes in real-time available options for
surgically relieving loads at overstressed utility assets.

GridSynergy Execution software is a network operations
center (NOC) console that manages available smart grid assets by constantly monitoring
the grid. It executes the curtailment or generation commands and relays the
acknowledgement back to the utility operator.

GridSynergy Client, an embedded software package that
powers the smart controller technology installed at the facility, provides an
inexpensive alternative to utility service upgrades for the
building owner. GridSynergy Client offers the capability for three
complementary hardware modules to further minimize utility service upgrades.

Princeton Power to supply inverters to Green Charge Networks

Green Charge Networks recently selected Princeton Power
Systems’ inverters for the $95 million Smart Grid Demonstration Project for the
U.S. Department of Energy.

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