Moxa introduces wireless platform for residential solar systems

By Editor


The increasing complexity of smart grid solar solutions need a powerful computing system to manage multiple functions from data processing, monitoring and control to wireless communications and data security.

Net metering and standalone systems demand computers to be powerful enough to process data, while reliably managing accounting, monitoring, and control duties for DC to AC conversion and electrical generation.

Nowadays, residential systems rely on wireless communications such as 3G, LTE, and Wi-Fi, creating demand for computing platforms with a variety of built-in wireless options.


An all-in-one wireless computer is reliable and economical as it is a perfect solution for deployment in residential solar power systems.

When deploying networked industrial solutions in residences, data security is a major factor. If the data security is compromised, power companies and solutions providers could be at risk of litigation.

As a solution, integrating TPM into an industrially hardened system gives the best guarantee available against hostile intrusion.

Major system requirements for a residential solar power system consist of a single residential solar software package designed for various household networking environments and one computer with a variety of wireless connections to reduce the cost of software development.

In addition, space-saving system design is needed to reduce the impact on the homeowner’s daily life; and high level of security to protect user data when the solar power system shares the same wireless connection used by the family to connect to the Internet.

Sabeena Wahid

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