Greentech Lead America: GE Digital Energy has announced the launch of new power management system Grid IQ Insight that consolidates data from from a broad mix of sources including existing grid management systems, smart meters and other intelligent grid power equipment, sensors, weather monitoring and even unstructured social media content from sources like Facebook or Twitter.
Available as part of GE Digital Energy’s Industrial Internet portfolio, Grid IQTM Insight, takes the terabytes of data and using advanced analytics technologies, generates actionable information to predict and resolve failures and other issues that impact the performance of today’s power grids.
The solution could help utilities and customers use the power of social media, combine it with transmission data and fix problems of power outages and quality disturbances much faster after they happen.
By consolidating and analyzing real-time data from once disconnected sources, Grid IQ Insight helps predict and prevent potential problems to the grid by getting the right information to the right people at the right time.
For example, by using social media updates or smart meter data, Grid IQ Insight can triangulate the source of the outage and show a utility where to send their crews faster than traditional systems. It also can help a utility understand where a potential equipment failure exists allowing it to proactively address the problem as part of its regular maintenance program rather than incurring additional costs related to unplanned, emergency repairs.
After Grid IQ Insight gathers input from social media, intelligent devices and renewable energy sources, it applies analytical intelligence to model the data and visualize it in brand new ways.
“Our Grid IQ Insight enables utilities to identify system outages quickly via improved visualization and analysis of their systems, minimizing outage times and greatly reducing costs associated with extended system outages,” said Michael Carlson, general manager—software solutions for GE’s Digital Energy business. “This is a powerful tool that will help utilities predict and prevent power outages and improve customer satisfaction.”