American smart grid network management market to touch $225 million this year

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American smart grid network management market to touch $225 million this year

Greentech Lead America: Smart grid network management
systems market in the U.S. is likely to grow from $225 million in 2012 to $1.05
billion in 2020.

Representing an annual growth of 21 percent from 2012 to
2020, the network management system market will evolve over the next five
years, according to Zpryme.

Zpryme said US has more than 30 million smart meters that
will provide electric customers dynamic ways to manage, monitor and control
their electricity consumption.

Deployment of new communication networks enables
real-time monitoring of the health and stability of transmission and
distribution systems.

Utilities’ new transmission and distribution systems
offer faster outage response times, and provide true two-way communication
between homes and businesses and the utility company.

Managing utility-level networks and devices will drive the growth of this
market. Forward looking network management solutions that can integrate,
connect, and manage customer-level devices will experience success among
utilities in North America.

“The significant number of renewables, electric vehicles
and energy storage devices to be deployed into the near future introduces new
complexity and a multitude of networking technologies, protocols, and standards
to manage them all,” said Andres Carvallo, EVP and chief strategy officer at

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