Green Energy Renewable Solutions forms joint venture in Puerto Rico

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Green Energy Renewable Solutions forms joint venture in Puerto Rico

Greentech Lead America: Green Energy Renewable
Solutions, a developer and operator of municipal solid waste processing and
recycling facilities, has formed a joint venture corporation Yabucoa Recycling

Yabucoa Recycling Corporation is owned on a 50/50 basis
by Green Energy and Landfill Solutions. Initial phase of the Yabucoa
development project work will be the construction of new road access and
internal roadways, leachate, run-off and flood control and slope stabilization.

The new development work will bring the landfill site in
compliance with regulatory standards of the Autoridad De Desperdicios Solidos
(“ADS”), the environmental control authority in Puerto Rico.

“We look forward to working with the Yabucoa
municipal authority and the ADS to complete the landfill remediation plans as
quickly as possible and advancing the diversion and recycling operations to the
next stage, which will develop the very first waste-to-energy plant on the
island of Puerto Rico,” said Joe DuRant, CEO of Green Energy
Renewable Solutions.

Green Energy has separately incorporated a
wholly-owned Puerto Rico subsidiary, Green Renewable Solutions to
develop and manage the second phase of the Yabucoa project, which plans to
convert the municipal waste material to energy and fuels after separation and
capture of valuable recyclable materials in the waste stream.


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