Electronic Recyclers International has partnered with New York City to launch a residential electronics recycling program called e-cycleNYC.
The e-cycleNYC program made its first pickup from North Shore Towers in Queens where a kickoff event and ceremony took place today. .
With the program, area buildings with at least 10 units can receive on-site pick up of stored electronics which includes: TVs, monitors, computers, laptops, small servers, printers/scanners, tablets/e-readers, mobile phones, MP3 players, VCRs/DVRs/DVD players, video game consoles, cable/satellite box, fax machines, keyboards, mice and hard drives.
The program is a public-private partnership between the NYC Department of Sanitation and ERI. It is free for NYC taxpayers and participating buildings because it is fully funded by electronics manufacturers.
Depending on the size and type of building, a variety of service options will be available including storage bins, room clean-outs, and building events. The program will be available to buildings, management companies, or residents.