Greentech Lead America: Belkin, a provider of technology solutions for office, classroom, IT infrastructure, and mobile environments, has introduced Echo, an advanced sensor technology system that analyzes the use of water, electricity and natural gas to reduce waste in residential and commercial establishments.
The Echo system assesses how resources are used on a device-by-device basis and recommends savings options. Homeowners and building administrators can manage their use of electricity and water more efficiently and significantly reduce cost, whether it’s for a single building or multiple buildings.
The solution, initially comprised of Echo Water and Echo Electricity, expands on products such as the Conserve power management range, and WeMo home control. Built on WeMo’s wireless platform, Echo employs a single sensor, coupled with advanced signal processing algorithms that enable automated, real-time device-by-device resources management throughout a building.
Echo is one of the most advanced examples of Internet of Things technology launched to date. The Internet of Things, also known as the “third wave of computing” following on the invention of computers and then the Internet, is a growing global system of wireless sensors and control devices connected via the Internet.
Belkin has formed partnership with HydroPoint Data Systems to create compelling new solutions for the indoor water management marketplace. HydroPoint Data Systems has exclusive rights to integrate Belkin Echo Water with the HydroPoint 360° Smart Water Management Solutions, empowering homeowners and building managers to measure, monitor and manage water use with a remote, mobile and web-based interface.
In another major development the Department of Defense (DoD) has selected Belkin Echo Electricity as a new project for its Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). The ESTCP announced 22 projects, selected from 468 proposals, to demonstrate emerging energy and water technologies on military installations through its Installation Energy Test Bed initiative.
The initiative plays a key role in testing, evaluating and scaling up innovative new energy technologies to improve the department’s energy security and reduce its facility energy costs, which amount to nearly $4 billion per year. Echo Electricity will enable two test sites at DoD installations in the western United States to itemize technology use with a sensor installed at a building’s circuit breaker or meter panel.
The sensor detects real-time current changes or broadband noise created by devices as they switch on or off or otherwise change state. Using machine-learning algorithms the system can analyze the amount of energy consumed to create reports and make data available to other systems for analysis or control.