Windlab to install a 60 MW wind project in Ohio

By Editor


Windlab Systems has signed an agreement for a 60MW Greenwich wind project in Ohio.

The state Power Siting Board has approved a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need for the 25-turbine scheme in Huron County.

Windlab will install Nordex 2.4MW N117 turbines for the facility.

The construction will commence in mid-2015 and place Greenwich into service by the end of the year.

On completion, the project will interconnect to the PJM-operated grid via an AEP-owned 69kV transmission line through a $114m scheme.

The developer has leased about 4,650 acres of private farm and agricultural land from 26 landowners.

Residents adjacent to participating landowners also are able to be partial participants through a neighboring monetary agreement.

The project is expected to operate with an average annual gross capacity factor of 40 percent generating about 210GWh/year of electricity.

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