According to America Wind Energy Association (AWEA), states can now earn the economic rewards of wind energy by following new EPA rules.
During a recent hearing regarding the issue, Tom Vinson, vice-president, AWEA assured the support for proposed draft rule.
EPA is leading many states, power plant owners, and various regions that have achieved the carbon reduction as well as economic stability and job creation in renewable energy sector. The resulting emissions reductions subscribe to the goal of justifying climate change, and protecting public welfare, said Vinson.
Since 2005, the wind capacity of US has doubled every three years. In 2012-13 GW of new wind power capacity was created owing to the uncertainty over the wind production tax credit (PTC).
In the past five years, the wind industry has gained a yearly investment of $15 billion in 39 states including Puerto Rico. It also helped in creating 50,000 job opportunities in 44 states.
Another achievement of wind power was carbon reduction. Based on the EPA AVERT wind turbine models promoted by AWEA, carbon emission got reduced by 127 million tons in 2013.
At present, 11 states with wind power have achieved 10 percent reductions in carbon emissions. The US government has set a target of 23 percent drop in emissions by 2030. Iowa has already gained 20 percent of its electricity produced from wind.
In the pretext of reformed carbon regulations, many regional representatives are supporting wind power as part of the clean energy solution.
These new regulations will guarantee carbon emission reduction, with a strong indication to the private sector to invest in home-grown renewable energy, said, Sara Cottrell Propst, Centerwest, executive director, Energy Alliance, a US western organization advocating for renewable energy.
A recent study by PJM, the grid operator has suggested that wind power can supply 30 percent of their power grid by saving billions annually in wholesale prices.
Wind energy is a worthy device in risk management, providing a compact solution in the energy-climate era, including for those states that want other renewables or eager to complement those or other sources.