GE has announced the completion of the nationalization of its 3.15MW Double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) which integrates with onshore wind turbines of 3 MW power range.
The installation comes as response to the new guidelines set by the Brazilian Economical and Social Development Bank (BNDES) for wind turbine components to be locally manufactured.
With this development, GE becomes the only supplier of generators of this power rating compliant with Finame requirements, the special credit line for the purchase of components produced locally. The generators are required to convert the wind energy to electricity.
Wind energy makes up five percent of Brazil’s energy mix, with 7.5GW of total installed capacity, while new projects to install over 2.6GW of solar energy have been contracted since 2014.
The DFIG component is already being manufactured in GE Power Conversion’s factory in Campinas, São Paulo, and the serial production deliveries started in September this year.
GE has partnered with local suppliers as well as foreign companies seeking opportunities in Brazil. As a result GE has now nationalized approximately 300 sub-components which compose the generator, said Jones Jacon, project manager at GE Power Conversion.
GE also plans to nationalize smaller generators that integrate with onshore wind turbines of 2 MW, part of the company’s ambition to nationalize the maximum number of components to enhance flexibility for wind customers.
“Wind power plays a strategic role in the country’s energy mix. In this regard, attracting new suppliers to work in the local wind market will become even more important to sustain the expansion of the wind industry in the many years to come,” said Sergio Zuquim, Latin America commercial leader of GE Power Conversion.
In a related announcement GE introduced innovative solar inverter solutions in Indian market.
Currently, GE is working on the process of nationalizing the converters and inverters needed to produce wind and solar energy, taking advantage of the growth of renewable sources in the Brazilian energy mix the company said.
Rajani Baburajan