Gamesa turbines achieve DNV GL first type certification

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Gamesa turbine has been awarded first type certificate under DNV GL’s wind guideline GL2010, reports Renewable energy

The company achieved a new product strategy landmark with this G97-2.0 MW turbine, equipped with an infused glass fiber blade, which received the first class A type certificate issued by DNV GL, an independent certification body under its GL2010 guideline.

The certified G97-2.0 MW turbine is the first of its kind to be fitted with Gamesa’s infused blade.

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Moreover, this achievement symbols the conclusion of the process of certifying the first Gamesa turbine fitted with a blade of these characteristics. The cost of energy of the product significantly drops down due to strong infusion manufacturing method adopted by Gamesa.

The unique feature of the G97-2.0 MW turbine with this infused blade makes it an ideal product for the Indian market. It is already in sales there, having obtained type certification.

Over 17,400 MW of these turbines, a part of Gamesa’s 2.0-2.5 MW platform have been installed worldwide, while average fleet availability topped 98 percent in 2013.

Sabeena Wahid

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