Availon, a multi-brand independent service provider for wind turbines, announced it has succeeded in maintaining its U.S. wind farms at record level of availability.
One of the sites, which the company says is the most challenging site of all, continuously runs at above 98.4 percent availability whereas other less challenging wind farms enjoy availability levels between 99.4 percent and 99.8 percent.
The company’s name which comes from “Availability ON,” underpins its mission to reach the highest availability and lowest component failure rate to drive peak profitability of the wind farm assets under our care, said Ulrich Schomakers, CEO, Availon.
With 400 employees worldwide, Availon focuses on wind energy technology from GE, Vestas, and Gamesa equipment. The company has more than 1,700 turbines under contract, representing over 2,600 megawatts of installed power. Approximately 10 percent of this business is located in the United States.
Rajani Baburajan