Deutsche Telekom has set up a group-wide climate protection target to reduce CO2 emissions by 20 percent across the Group by the year 2020.
The international climate protection target is an important milestone in the comprehensive climate protection strategy at Deutsche Telekom.
Overall the Group will reduce these emissions by around 430,000 tons of CO2 per year. This is equivalent to the emissions of about 1.1 million passenger kilometers in air traffic, or about 28 flights around the world.
Birgit Klesper, head of Group Transformational Change & Corporate Responsibility, said, “By reducing our CO2 emissions by 20 percent, we can make a valuable contribution to a climate-friendly and future-oriented society worldwide. The goal is to be energy-efficient in providing our products and services to our customers.”
The climate protection goal involves the participation of a total of almost 40 Group units in 29 countries – including Germany, Austria, South Africa, Singapore and China.
First, the actual emissions from direct (for example, fuel oil and diesel) and indirect (for example, purchased electricity and long-distance heating) energy use were analyzed for the mobile network, the fixed network, data centers, buildings, offices, information technology and the vehicle fleet. Emissions from business travel were also scrutinized.
A development forecast was then made up to the year 2020 based on business projections and the identification of appropriate energy efficiency programs.
Luis Neves, Group Representative for Climate Change and Sustainability, said, “In 2014 our focus will be on identifying more efficiency potential, including additional Group units and increasing the amount of renewable energy sources in the electricity mix.”