Yingli Green completes 10 MW solar plant in China

By Editor


Yingli Solar has completed the grid connection of a 10 megawatt solar power plant in China’s Hebei Province in December 2014.

The solar power plant is located in Fuping and will produce more than 12,000 megawatt-hours of electricity per year.

The generated power is expected to meet nearly one fifth of Fuping County’s demand as well as offset the emission of about 11,000 tons of carbon.

For the next 20 years, the project will gain national feed-in tariff of 1.0 RMB per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in addition to surplus incentives announced by the government.


A week ago, Yingli Solar has announced that the Company gone beyond its targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the end of 2013 as part of its commitments in the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Climate Savers program.

In May 2011, Yingli and WWF signed the Letter of Intent to join the Climate Savers program and the Company has set its goals for GHG reductions through 2015, based on its GHG emissions level in 2010.

On the final anti-dumping duty verdict announced recently by U.S, Yingli has decided that the company will be considered part of the Separate Rates Group and will be subject to an AD tariff of 52.13 percent and a CVD tariff of 38.72 percent.

Yingli Solar has approximately 400 MW of PV projects under construction from 2014, over 200 MW of which is expected to be completed by the first half of 2015.

Sabeena Wahid

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