Solar Data Systems has started the shipping of its first American-manufactured Solar-Log & GE Meters.
The Solar-Log 350 is an ANSI certified Revenue Grade Meter equipped with Solar-Logs proven monitoring technology.
The compact design consists of a General Electric I-210+ residential meter and Solar-Log’s proven technology which provides cellular data access and PV monitoring services.
The built-in Solar-Log technology monitors and logs incoming data from the solar array with revenue-grade precision required to collect state and utility incentives, including performance-based incentives (PBIs), solar renewable energy certificates (SRECs), and many other financial incentive programs.
The combination of these two technologies results in a cost competitive monitoring solution for residential PV plants.
Moreover, they come with a built-in cellular communication and standardized installation process, creating a plug-and-play socket meter based solution which makes the complex and time consuming LAN and inverter connectivity obsolete.
This integration of monitoring and metering facilities allow PV performance control, revenue grade metering, incentive reporting, and power management all in one device at a reduced cost.
In addition, this Solar-Log & GE Meter is capable of shifting from today’s PV monitoring needs to future inverter power management solutions.
Further they offer enhanced monitoring solutions like self-consumption metering, weather information tracking, inverter direct monitoring, and power management.
The Solar-Log 350 & GE Meter communicates with servers and online applications through a 3G cellular modem. There is no need of on-site configuration and all functions can be re-configured and monitored remotely.
This comprehensive package includes cellular data and Solar-Log WEB monitoring services for 5 years.
The Solar-Log WEB online monitoring application consists of a dashboard which puts forward plant performance data graphically and numerically.
Besides, the Solar-Log 350 & GE Meter is compatible with any micro-inverters and string inverters.
The Solar-Log 350 was officially launched at Solar Power International (SPI) in Las Vegas last October.
These meters will be displayed at NESEA Building Energy 2015 in Boston in this year March.
Sabeena Wahid