National Solar Schools Consortium launched to help schools go solar

By Editor


A group of nonprofit organizations and solar companies from across the nation announced the launch of National Solar  Schools Consortium at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference, Boston.

The Consortium comprises representatives of leading environmental, educational, and solar-focused non-profit organizations, as well as for-profit solar businesses.

Founding Consortium members include the Brian D. Robertson Memorial Solar Schools Fund, Community Power Network, Elephant Energy, the Foundation for Environmental Education, KidWind, Make It Right Solar, Mosaic, the National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Solar Energy Industries Association, The Solar Foundation, SolSolution, The Three Birds Foundation, and Women in Solar.

solar in school

The aim of the consortium is to act as a unified voice for the growing solar schools movement, promoting the use of solar energy on K-12 and post-secondary schools, as well as consolidating and coordinating current and future solar curriculum and resource development.

The consortium also aims to provide schools with the tools to explore solar energy options both on campus and in the surrounding community.

Thousands of schools across America have already installed solar panels but many others are still tethered to fossil fuels.

According to a recent study of California schools, an average-sized 313 kilowatt solar system prevents the emission of an estimated 200 pounds of smog-forming pollution a year

To start with, consortium representatives will be presenting at several workshops at the NSTA Conference, involving teachers and other education professionals.

Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), said,  “Today, solar is the fastest-growing source of renewable energy in America, creating thousands of new jobs, pumping billions of dollars into the U.S. economy and helping to reduce pollution.”

“For schools, solar can provide a curriculum where science, economics and the environment all intersect.  SEIA is honored to be part of the National Solar Schools Consortium,” Resch added.

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