Joule joins with DNV GL to validate CO2-to-fuels conversion

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Joule, provider of direct, solar conversion of CO2 to liquid fuels technology has entered into a MOU with DNV GL soon both companies will decide the areas of collaboration that will enhance the global CO2-neutral fuels production.

DNV GL is a provider of technical assurance and advisory services to the energy industry.

According to recent Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) report, innovative technologies are needed to achieve a reduction in CO2 emissions.

Therefore, the commercial enthusiasm of discovering low-carbon technologies should be accelerated, by securing the technical validation which will be accepted by nations and their regulatory entities.


Joule’s partnership with DNV GL promises this technical assurance and also reveals company’s advanced stage of development.

This relationship will support and strengthen the readiness of technology for large-scale commercial roll out, said, Paul Snaith, President, CEO, Joule.

Joule is aligning with lots of specialist partners to transition the company from demonstration to industrialization, added Snaith.

Joule’s CO2-to-fuels conversion process is supposed to have the potential to meet vital global needs of large scale carbon dioxide utilization and sustainable fuel supply, said, Narasi Sridhar, program director, DNV GL Strategic Research & Innovation.

As per agreement, DNV GL will provide technology qualification and verification services, including assessments from a commercial view to facilitate the global deployment.

Joule needs assistance on the subjects of value chain creation, risk mitigation, process modeling for specific plant locations, and blending and transport of fuel.

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