First Solar PV panel farms to come up in San Tan Valley

By Editor


Mesa Solar, a subsidiary of First Solar plans to build photovoltaic-panels farms on hundreds of acres of State Trust land near San Tan Valley.

The decision is according to the Sept. 19 agenda for the Pinal County Planning and Zoning Commission.

A 50 megawatt photovoltaic solar facility is planned by Mesa Solar and First Solar at Skyline Drive and Felix Road. The existing Abel Substation supports interconnection of the solar facility.


The site does not demand water or sewer lines or any public-utility services and no employees will be present full time on-site during operation and there will be no noticeable noise generated.

The solar power facility will come up on state lands for which the company will lease the State Trust land. The PV modules that use thin-film photovoltaic technology will be mounted on fixed-tilt or single-axis trackers support structures.


In addition, a 20-megawatt photovoltaic solar project on 153.8 acres on the northwest corner of Roberts Road and Quail Run lane will be called Mini Mesa Solar. The Quail Substation south of the site will support interconnection of the solar project.

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