Landis+Gyr has won 44 smart grid contracts in North America in 2015

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Landis+Gyr, a provider of energy management solutions, has reported substantial growth in new business for North America during 2015, signing 44 contracts for smart grid technology and services throughout the continent.

Major contracts in 2015 are for AMI network deployments, software and smartgrid services for different clients ranging from several investor owned utilities to municipal cooperatives over the next decade. These contracts also cover a wide range of applications ranging from analytics and load management to distribution automation, which are essential for smart grid.

The company also supports the needs of public power utilities and emerging markets, in addition to focusing on its load management, energy storage and analytics portfolio, said Prasanna Venkatesan, executive vice president of the Americas at Landis+Gyr.

Landis+Gyr also reached significant milestones in projects with Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Hydro-Québec and Light inBrazil. The deployment of Gridstream AMI at TEPCO surpassed 3 million advanced meters in its first full year.

When complete, the 27-million-meter deployment will be the largest advanced metering deployment in the world, reporting 1.3 billion interval meter reads per day on Landis+Gyr’s open standards-based network and software.

In October, the successful completion of the Gridstream AMI deployment at Hydro-Québec was celebrated two years ahead of schedule. This project included deploying an RF mesh network and 3.6 million advanced meters throughout the province of Québec. The project at Light includes 1.1 million advanced meters in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and is now approaching one quarter of the way complete following the first full year of deployment.

“We’re excited about the possibilities for 2016. There is more innovation happening in the utility space than ever before,” Venkatesan said. “As we continue to broaden our Gridstream solution offerings, we are seeing a strong response that utilities are ready to focus on the next wave of benefits from smart grid technology.”

Rajani Baburajan


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