Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute teams up with Berkeley Lab for smart grid development

By Editor


Greentech Lead Asia: The Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) has signed MoU with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) to explore the possibility of collaborative research on smart grids, demand response, and standards, and other joint energy-related R&D.

The MOU also mentions OpenADR, the open automated demand response communications specification developed at Berkeley Lab, as an area of possible collaboration.

Berkeley Lab researchers in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division (EETD) will work with KERI to develop R&D projects in these areas of collaboration.

Berkeley Lab specializes in the development of automated demand response technologies, strategies, and standards at the Demand Response Research Center, which is funded by the state of California, the U.S. Department of Energy, utilities, and other entities. EETD has hosted visiting KERI researchers for a number of years.

Under this MOU, both institutions hope to grow their joint work. They will be exploring research possibilities in the application of automated demand response in facilities’ systems and networks, as well as open smart grid standards for the Republic of Korea.

Other Smart Grid and energy efficiency strategies that can save energy and reduce peak power use, and the measurement and verification of energy efficiency programs are also potential areas for collaboration, the companies said.


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