RWE Hands Over Brunsbuttel LNG Infrastructure to Deutsche Energy Terminal

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RWE is set to transfer the LNG infrastructure in Brunsbuttel to the federally owned Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH (DET) on January 1, 2024. This handover, occurring roughly ten months after the commencement of the initial LNG import flow, marks a pivotal moment in Germany’s energy landscape.

The LNG delivered by specialized tankers undergoes the process of regasification through a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) before integration into the German gas grid. DET, as the authorized operator of the FSRU terminal in Brunsbuttel, assumes responsibility for capacity marketing alongside operational management.

RWE’s involvement stemmed from chartering the Hoegh Gannet floating LNG terminal on behalf of the German government following the onset of the Russian war of aggression in February 2022. The infrastructure development in Brunsbuttel was a strategic move aimed at fortifying Germany’s energy security and reducing reliance on Russian pipeline gas. The Elbehafen project, executed at an accelerated pace, was brought to fruition and operationalized by RWE throughout 2023.

Since the commencement of 2023, the direct importation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) into Germany via Brunsbüttel has been underway. As part of the initial plan, DET has assumed control of the LNG infrastructure and holds sole operational management responsibilities in Brunsbuttel, signaling a seamless transition aligned with the project’s objectives.

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