Santa Paula Water Recycling recognized for efficiency in wastewater treatment

By Editor


Santa Paula Water Recycling Facility has achieved 2014 Plant of the Year award from California Water Environment Association (CWEA) for Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo Counties.

The facility was recognized by CWEA for its efficient design, commitment to process efficiency, and high quality effluent that surpasses permitted requirements.

As the majority of the wastewater treatment occurs in enclosed underground tanks, the facility achieves a 70 percent minimum footprint with a 25 percent more treatment capacity creating less noise and odors compared to other plants.

In addition, the facility removes nearly 99 percent of the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS), and reduces the nitrogen content of the wastewater by 90 percent.

The final effluent is disinfected using ultraviolet light and then discharged into percolation basins which enhance recharging of groundwater.

Moreover, industry experts have identified the facility as one of the most cost-effective MBR systems in the world due to power saving designs.

The plant achieved 30 percent lower energy consumption than assumed by PERC Water’s performance guarantee through energy efficient equipment and a sequence of energy saving operation processes.

Constructed in 1939, the City’s old water recycling facility was inadequate to meet the advanced water quality standards mandated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board.

The facility was fined to a sum of more than $8 million, following which it decided to update the existing recycling infrastructure.

In 2010, the facility was renovated after teaming up with the Alinda Capital Partners and PERC Water Corporation to accumulate funding for the design and construction of the new Facility.

PERC Water is responsible for the design, construction and operations of the Facility.

Besides, the facility has received various awards from The Environmental Business Journal, the Design-Build Institute of America and Global Water Intelligence for its innovative approaches to water recycling.

The firm is now aiming for plant of the year award from the state of California.

Sabeena Wahid

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