Electronic Recyclers International (ERI) organized the “Person in Port” program last week to demonstrate best electronic recycling practices.
As part of this program ERI conducted a training session for the members of Solving the E-Waste Problem Initiative (Step).
The program was launched by the United Nations University (UNU), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Basel Convention Coordination Centre for Africa (BCCC) in Nigeria.
The Step partners teamed with ERI to gather data on the import of used electronics and e-waste into Nigeria.

The project focuses on identifying the types and amounts of e-waste imported, its functional status, how it is packaged, labelled and transported, its origin and what will become of it once it arrives in Nigeria.
Timing of the project will be finalized later.
In another development, ERI has partnered with the University of Pennsylvania on its environmental project.
The Fresno waste recycling firm in California is collaborating with the university’s Wharton School of Business’ Initiative for Global Environmental Leadership (IGEL) that integrate sustainability and business best practices.
Proper disposal of electronic waste and digital privacy issues caused by it has become the benchmark for the industry with regional, national and international implications.
Sabeena Wahid