Mitsubishi to expand photovoltaic power-generation capacity by 6,400 kilowatts

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Mitsubishi to expand photovoltaic power-generation capacity by 6,400 kilowatts

Greentech Lead Asia: Mitsubishi Electric is set to expand
its photovoltaic power-generation capacity by 6,400 kilowatts to 14,100
kilowatts in the next three years.

The company said demand control systems will be
incorporated to control peak demand in electricity at 68 major domestic
locations contracted to buy at least 500 kilowatts of electricity. Carbon
dioxide emissions will be reduced through power-saving efforts.

The expansion is part of its Seventh Environmental Plan,
a three-year action plan aligned with Environmental Vision 2021, the long-term
environmental management vision of the Mitsubishi Electric Group.

Mitsubishi Electric will improve the energy efficiency of
its products, aiming to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by an average of 27
percent in the use of 84 products compared to levels in fiscal 2001.

Carbon dioxide emissions per unit of product net sales
will be reduced to 83 percent of the fiscal 2011 level, or by 121,000 tons in
the three-year period. Other greenhouse gas emissions such as sulfur
hexafluoride, perfluorocarbon and hydrofluorocarbon will be reduced by 70
percent compared to the fiscal 2006 level on a carbon-dioxide-equivalent basis.

Mitsubishi Electric will lower the final waste disposal
ratio by evaluating and thoroughly sorting the waste at business locations. The
target is to maintain a ratio below 0.1 percent at Mitsubishi Electric’s own
sites, and achieve less than 0.1 percent at Japanese affiliates’ sites and 1.0
percent at overseas affiliates’ sites.

Resource inputs will be reduced by 39 percent from fiscal
2001 levels through the development of more compact and lighter products.

Mitsubishi Electric will promote 3R (reduce, reuse and
recycle) in products such as collecting rare-earth magnets or utilizing more
recycled materials.

Under the Sixth Environmental Plan launched in 2009, the
company expects to achieve the targets of all major initiatives, including a
103,000-ton reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in production.


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