Wipro scores highest in Greenpeace ranking for companies’ eco-friendliness


Wipro scores highest in Greenpeace ranking for companies' eco-friendliness

Lead India:
Wipro topped the ranking in the Guide to Greener
Electronics released by Greenpeace International.

The guide,
in its 18th version, ranked 16 electronic companies across the world based
on their commitment and progress in three environment criteria: Energy and
Climate, Greener Products and Sustainable Operations.

found that global electronic
companies must do more to end the use of climate changing dirty energy in their
manufacturing and supply chains, according to a report released today by
Greenpeace International.

While these
companies have made progress at removing toxic chemicals from the mobile
phones, computers and tablets they produce, their manufacturing and supply
chains are still too heavily dependent on dirty energy sources that are
contributing to climate change, the organization said.

While most
of the ICT companies have made progress in removing toxic chemicals from the
mobile phones, computers and tablets they produce, barring few, their
manufacturing and supply chains are still too heavily dependent on dirty energy
sources that are contributing to climate change while at the same time lagging
behind in effectively managing e-waste they produce, particularly in India.

Wipro scored
the most points due to its efforts to embrace renewable energy and advocacy for
greener energy policies in India. Wipro also scored well for post-consumer
e-waste collection for recycling and for phasing out hazardous substances from
its products.

dropped from No. 1 in last year’s edition of the guide to No. 2. Nokia moved up
from No. 4 to No. 3. Taiwanese computer maker Acer was the most improved
company in the guide, moving up nine spots to No. 4 for engaging with its
suppliers on greenhouse gas emissions, hazardous substances, conflict minerals
and fibre sourcing. Dell dropped from No. 3 to No. 5. Apple dropped slightly
from No. 5 in last year’s edition to No. 6. Blackberry maker RIM did not
improve from its 16th ranking, the bottom of the group.

and Samsung are the only two companies that have shown strong e-waste
management program which can be seen as best in class practice. Their program
consists of e-waste collection, recycling and phasing out of hazardous
chemicals from the products, setting a new bench mark for other companies to
follow in India and elsewhere.

Many global
companies did not even develop an e-waste management program for India which
casts a doubt on their ability to meet obligation put on them under the newly
enacted E-waste (Management and Handling) rule. An ambitious collection target
of 20  percent can be set up under the new rule.

As global electronics
use grows, only corporate environmental leadership can prevent increased electronic
waste and ensure that the industry transitions to using clean energy to
manufacture its products. Electronic companies have also gained political power
in many countries, meaning their advocacy for clean energy can impact
government policy.

the massive energy crisis around the world including caused by depleting &
polluting fossil fuel, the next big environmental challenge for consumer
electronics companies is to reduce their carbon pollution,” said
Greenpeace International IT analyst Casey Harrell.

should work with their suppliers to implement more efficient manufacturing
processes and to power the supply chain with renewable energy, not fossil
fuels, just as they have successfully done to reduce the toxic materials in
electronics,” Harrel added.
