Sprint joins EPA Electronics Challenge for responsible e-waste management

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Sprint joins EPA Electronics Challenge for responsible e-waste management

Greentech Lead America: Sprint has joined the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other electronics leaders at a
third-party certified recycling center in Romeoville, Ill., for the signing of
the Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Electronics Challenge.

E-waste is the largest growing waste stream in the country,
generating 2.5 million tons of e-waste annually. The EPA estimates 135 million
cell phones weighing nearly 17,200 tons are discarded nationwide each year.
Many wind up in junk drawers and landfills

The SMM Electronics Challenge is designed to advance the
responsible management of used electronics by challenging manufacturers and
retailers of electronics to voluntarily commit to sending 100 percent of used
electronics collected for reuse and recycling to third-party certified
recyclers, increase the total amount of used electronics collected for reuse
and recycling, and publically post information and data regarding electronics
recovery and disposal.

“Already, the United States generates almost 2.5 million
tons of electronic waste per year – and that number will only grow. Used
electronics have materials in them that can be recovered and recycled, reducing
the economic costs and environmental impacts of securing and processing new
materials for new products,” said EPA administrator Lisa. P. Jackson.

“The SMM Electronics Challenge will help us ensure that
we are doing all we can to repurpose or safely dispose of the cell phones,
computers and other devices we use every day – all while helping to build a
robust market for electronics recycling in the United States,” Jackson added.

Sprint is the first and only wireless carrier to
participate in the program.  Sprint, through the Sprint Buyback Program,
has awarded customers more than $50 million in trade-in credit for returning
their used devices to the carrier just this year.

“We’ve seen tremendous benefit from partnering with the
EPA to advance environmental responsibility and the safe management of
electronic,” said Ralph Reid, Sprint vice president-Corporate Responsibility.
“With billion wireless phones being produced in our industry every year we have
a responsibility to ensure we are mitigating environmental impact.”

“This voluntary, collaborative approach with the EPA,
which recognizes corporations for leadership, innovation, and education and
outreach, represents an ideal model for driving positive change,” Reid added.

Global Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment recycling
market to grow at CAGR of 4 pc: Frost & Sullivan

Global Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
recycling market was estimated at $1,424.6 million in 2011, and it is
expected to grow to $1,869.3 million in 2017 with a strong CAGR of 4
percent, says Frost & Sullivan.



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