e-Cycle to demonstrate responsible mobile reuse and recycling at Blackberry World

By Editor


e-Cycle to demonstrate responsible mobile reuse and recycling at Blackberry World

By Greentech Lead America: e-Cycle, a mobile buyback
and recycling company, will demonstrate responsible mobile reuse and recycling
that ensures financial savings, sound environmental stewardship and guaranteed
protection of sensitive data at BlackBerry World 2012.

e-Cycle protects sensitive data while recycling
mobile devices to the highest standards of financial and environmental
responsibility. e-Cycle will review its services and success stories at
BlackBerry World.

“Many believe they are recycling, reselling or retiring
their mobile devices properly when they actually are not. The reality is
millions of old mobile devices continue to end up in landfills or find their
way into the resale market with sensitive organization data remaining intact,”
said Christopher Irion, founder and CEO, e-Cycle.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
only 14 to 18 percent of electronic devices are recycled and 70 to 80 percent
of electronics
recycling companies in the U.S. export electronic waste to developing
countries, poisoning the environment and the local population.

e-Cycle claims it can help organizations develop mobile
recycling strategies that guarantee safety and security by removing all data
from every device, provide financial compensation for devices that continue to
their hold resale value and ensure devices no longer holding any value are
recycled or disposed of in ways that protect the environment.

“Mobile asset recovery and reuse makes good business
sense because the revenues can greatly offset the cost of upgrading to latest
technologies. It is also important from an environmental standpoint because
extending the life of wireless devices reduces energy and carbon emissions.
Organizations need to ensure their devices are recycled securely and
responsibly,” Irion added.


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