Bay Area Climate Collaborative to deploy EV charging facility

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California Energy Commission has awarded a grant of $491, 290 to deploy 80 electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, according to Bay Area Climate Collaborative.

A consortium of EV market leaders in agreement with Bay Area Charge Ahead Project will deploy 29 charging stations across the peninsula and south bay.

The consortium of Bay Area Climate Collaborative includes ChargePoint, ABM, the EV Communities Alliance and 9 site hosts.

The Bay Area Charge Ahead Project was evolved by the joint undertaking of the bay Area Climate Collaborative (BACC) and EV Communities Alliance.

Rafael Reyes, executive director, BACC, said, “This deployment is important for the convenient public charging and by 2020, around 100,000 EVs are targeted to hit road assuring pollution reduction as well as boosting up the economy”.

In a joint statement ABM and ChargePoint officials announced their roles in the deployment. ChargePoint will be involved in EV charging station designing and manufacture. ABM will cater to the installation of EV charging stations.

Bay-Area has 40 percent of EV vehicles in California and charging facility provided at this point ensures more distance covered utilizing green energy minimizing pollution. Over 10 years, this project phase is expected to bring about 10 million Kg of carbon reduction.

Bay Area Climate Collaborative is the lead applicant for the grant. The Collaborative is a public/private partnership dedicated towards clean energy implementation in the area. EV Communities Alliance will provide strategic support needed for the installation project.

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