United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) en.lighten Initiative and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Centre for Energy launched a program to promote the production and use of energy-efficient lighting equipment in ASEAN countries.
The main aim is to reduce electricity consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The initiative builds on the ASEAN Standards Harmonization Initiative for Energy Efficiency (ASEAN SHINE), a regional program to advance the penetration of energy efficient equipment in ASEAN countries, which initially focused on air-conditioners.
The ASEAN SHINE Lighting Chapter, funded by the European Union, was announced at the 2-3 February 2016 ASEAN SHINE meeting organized in Bangkok by the UNEP en.lighten Initiative, the UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, the ASEAN Centre for Energy and the International Copper Association.
The ASEAN SHINE Lighting Chapter will help harmonize minimum energy performance standards and relevant test standards for lighting products among ASEAN member states, as well as establish schemes to ensure compliance with the established standards.
“This initiative offers a unique opportunity for ASEAN countries to significantly reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This will support national efforts to not only meet climate change obligations but also the 2030 sustainable development agenda goal to improve energy efficiency,” said Isabelle Louis, deputy regional director, UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
In 2014, electricity for lighting represented approximately 16.1 percent of electricity consumption in the ASEAN region, while electricity consumption was approximately 118 TWh.
Market transformation to energy efficient lighting in ASEAN, would result in annual savings of 35Twh of electricity, more than $3.5 billion in consumer savings in electricity bills and avoidance of over 20 million tones of CO2 emissions.