Vestas said it will supply seven V150-5.6 MW turbines for the 39 MW Wohlsdorf project in Rotenburg, Lower Saxony.
The Wohlsdorf project — located in between Bremen and Hamburg — is being developed by Windpark Wohlsdorf GmbH & Co. KG, a special purpose company owned by Reon and CapCerta. The project was awarded as part of the German Federal Network Agency’s (BNetzA) latest onshore wind auction rounds.
Vestas said the V150 EnVentus turbines in Wohlsdorf will reach a tip height of 244 meters and will be serviced and maintained by Vestas through a long-term 20-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement.
Jens Kuck, director Sales Germany North at Vestas Northern & Central Europe, said: “We are partnering with Reon and CapCerta for the first time, and their selection of V150 EnVentus technology for the Wohlsdorf project highlights the industry-leading performance of the EnVentus platform in Germany.”
Vestas’ EnVentus platform has also secured orders in Sweden and Ukraine in the first quarter of 2021, proving the regional applicability of the advanced modular design approach applied in the platform. With this project, Vestas has secured an order intake of more than 2.3 GW across three continents for the EnVentus platform.