Dong Energy has achieved development consent for Walney offshore wind farm extension off northwest England, reports Recharge.
UK energy secretary Ed Davey allowed turbines up to 207 with a maximum generating capacity of 750MW.
However, Dong is planning to go ahead with around 660MW capacity. The wind farm will be located near already existing Walney 1 and 2, 15km off the coast of Cumbria.
The Walney extension offshore construction is expected to begin in the second quarter of 2017 and the wind farm will create around 230 jobs.
The Walney offshore wind farm extension represents a solid opportunity to capitalize on the existing wind farm’s success in the Irish Sea, says Huub den Rooijen, head, offshore wind, Crown Estate.
This is a significant application for the offshore wind energy sector. It could add 207 offshore wind turbines to the existing 102 turbines of Walney 1 and 2 to generate enough to provide electricity to over half a million homes, commented, Simon Ridley, chief executive, Planning Inspectorate.
This is one of five offshore wind farms among the first series of renewables projects to get Contracts for Difference under the UK’s new support mechanism.
In 2011, the Crown Estate awarded Dong 750MW extension at Walney in order to keep the offshore sector busy in the gap between the completion of most Round 2 projects and the commencement of Round 3.
Sabeena Wahid