Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has received a new 60-MW order to extend the Cabo Leones 1 wind project in Chile, operated by the joint venture formed by the French utility EDF Renewables Chile and Spain’s Grupo Ibereolica Renovables.
Siemens Gamesa will supply, transport and install 12 of its SG 5.0-145 MW turbines for the Cabo Leones 1 extension wind complex at Comuna de Freirina, in the second region of the Atacama in Chile.
Since 2017, Siemens Gamesa has managed the Cabo Leones 1 wind project located on the coast in the Atacama region of Northern Chile.
With a current installed capacity of 115 MW, the wind farm is equipped with 55 of Siemens Gamesa’s SG 2.1-114 MW turbines with an estimated energy production of 350 GWh per year, equaling the annual electricity consumption of 170,000 Chilean households.
The Chilean government has pledged to generate 70 percent of the country’s energy from renewable sources, such as solar power and wind farms, by 2050.
Siemens Gamesa said it will supply the turbines between November 2020 and January 2021. They are slated for commissioning by July 2021. The current Cabo Leones I extension also includes and operation & maintenance agreement for the next 12 years.