Ingeteam hits 30 GW wind power capacity

By Editor


Ingeteam, an independent supplier of electrical conversion equipment, announced it has reached the milestone of 30 gigawatts (GW) of installed wind power capacity worldwide.

The company hit this milestone after the commissioning of power converters accounting for 2 GW of installed capacity during the first semester of 2015, a 17 percent increase over the previous year.

In total, Ingeteam has installed 20,757 power converters globally.

Ingeteam focuses on two emerging markets, namely Brazil and India, which became the company’s core growth engines over the last few years.

Ingeteam opened its Brazilian subsidiary Ingeteam Ltda. in 1999 and started producing wind power converters in 2011 at its manufacturing facility in Sao Paulo. Since then, the company has supplied 1.5 GW wind energy capacity to this market. This accounts for more than 20 percent of all installed wind power capacity in the country.

Over the past year, Ingeteam has significantly expanded its Brazilian facility to 5,000 sq meter and created up to 125 jobs for the local production of wind power converters, increasing its maximum annual production capacity to 3.8 GW.

In India, established since 2012, Ingeteam has reached a clear leadership position, according to company sources. The company ended 2014 with more than 20 percent of all installed wind power capacity in the country. To date, about 8 percent of all wind power capacity in India has been commissioned by Ingeteam.

According to GWEC, Brazil was the world’s 4th largest market with nearly 2.5 GW installed last year, and moved into 10th place in the global cumulative rankings. India is the second largest wind market in Asia and added 2,315 MW of new wind power in 2014, up 34 percent from 2013.

India’s cumulative installations reached 22.5 GW at the end of December 2014, keeping the Indian wind power market firmly in the top five rankings globally.

Both, the Brazilian and Indian markets are expected to have grown substantially in 2015 and this positive trend of growth is expected to continue in the coming years.

Rajani Baburajan

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