Tidal and wave energy testing sites off the west coast of Anglesey and south Pembrokeshire have been approved by the Crown Estate.
For UK, identifying these sites for technology development purpose was crucial as they revealed country’s wave and tidal energy potential.
The benefits of recognizing these sites for energy testing will have an effect on economy and renewable energy of the country. The energetic waters off this coast are ideal for marine renewable energy projects, said, Carwyn Jones, First Minister, U.K.
First commercial tidal energy farm of Wales’s will launch off Anglesey in 2016. The blades of its electricity generators will be driven by tidal wave action.
Crown Estate has confirmed Menter Mon and Wave Hub as managers for the west Anglesey tidal and south Pembrokeshire wave demonstration regions respectively. They will be responsible for sub-letting the farm to developers.
Rob Hastings, director, energy and infrastructure, Crown Estate, said, “By providing these additional seabed rights we are pleased to be enabling further technology development and commercialization, which will be critical if the UK is to unlock its significant natural resources for wave and tidal current energy.
This approach to letting seabed is in response to the market demand and introducing demonstration zones to permitting other organizations to lend tangible support in their areas, continued Hastings.
The ports, supply-chain infrastructure and grid infrastructure put us in an enviable position for developing a marine energy market, both as a significant generator and as an exporter of marine energy knowledge, technologies and services, concluded Hastings.