TecnoSun Solar brings new solar tracking technology to American market

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TecnoSun Solar brings new solar tracking technology to American market

Greentech Lead America: TecnoSun Solar Canada and
TecnoSun Solar USA have partnered to commercialize and develop
solar tracking systems to the North, Central and South American markets.

The TecnoSun Solar EcoChamp tracking systems are designed
to achieve up to 40 percent higher efficiencies for the commercial solar
market. TecnoSun Solar tracking systems offers a higher return-on-investment
for solar projects stretching from North to South America.

The unique low-profile, high-density design of the
EcoChamp tracking systems respond to several key concerns for commercial and
utility-scale developers in the solar industry.

EcoChamp tracking systems’ structure is lighter than the
other systems it can be installed easily both on rooftop and ground-mount
applications. The layout of the EcoChamp system provides a high-density
solution, requiring less land in comparison to other tracking systems.

The system also offers reduced production cost of energy,
and minimized operations/maintenance costs.

“This technology represents a paradigm shift in the solar
tracking sector of the industry. This high-density, low-profile, lower cost and
simplistic design will increase the return-on-investment for renewable energy
investors. On average solar tracking systems typically increase electricity
production between 20-40%, and because of the simple design features customers
can expect greater reliability and lower annual operating costs than other
trackers,”” said Ken Rounds, chairman of the Board of TecnoSun Solar Canada.

EthoSolar in pact with TecnoSun Solar to produce solar tracking

Recently, EthoSolar and TecnoSun Solar Canada signed
a strategic agreement with TecnoSun Solar for commercial and industrial
applications. As per the agreement, EthoSolar will manufacture solar tracking
systems by using TecnoSun’s technology at its Ontario facility for the Canadian


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