Solar power to constitute 10% of America’s energy by 2030

By Editor


The solar power will contribute 10 percent of the energy America uses to generate electricity by 2030, according to Environment America Research and Policy Center.

Currently, solar energy constitutes 0.23 percent of electricity generation in the U.S, which will grow if the government implements enough policies to promote the use of the energy source.

Activities including extending tax credits, funding research for new projects, and focusing on increased solar energy use will help to bring down global warming.

The state and local governments need to engage in net metering so households that use solar energy can sell the surplus power to the grid.

Companies that sell solar panels could also sell their customers electricity so customers won’t have to go through public utilities.


A 10 percent solar by 2030 can be achieved if foot is kept on the accelerator. That’s a small fraction of what’s possible, but it will make a big difference in the quality of lives and the children’s future, said, Rob Sergent, co-author of the report.

When it comes to solar energy, the sky’s the limit. Getting to 10 percent solar is the just the first step to a future powered by pollution-free energy, he added.

Recently, Environment America found out that solar power has experienced a 77 percent increase in the last three years.

Even if the energy use only grows by 22 percent, solar would still be able to reach the 10 percent mark in less than two decades.

Given the growth over the last few years, getting to 10 percent of U.S. electricity from solar should happen far sooner than 2030, said, Jigar Shah, president, Generate Capital.

The change in energy use is better for the solar industry, which has added 143,000 jobs across the country last year.

In addition, environmental benefits, such as 280 million metric tons of carbon leaving the atmosphere by 2030 can also be achieved.

Sabeena Wahid

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