Greentech Lead America: Residential solar installations in Massachusetts have more than quadrupled between 2010 and 2012, according to Massachusetts CECdata.
Massachusetts now ranks 6th nationwide for overall solar production thanks to its eco-conscious population, a growing number of options for going solar, and enticing Federal and state-level incentives.
Massachusetts Governor Patrick recently announced a new State goal: 1,600 megawatts of solar capacity by 2020 – enough to power 240,000 homes annually.
RevoluSun has installed more than 3,500 residential photovoltaic (PV) systems and is helping Bay State homeowners seize this perfect storm of opportunities by making it easy to lease or purchase a custom solar system.
Kip George, president of RevoluSun’s Burlington office, said, “Mass has the 7th highest electricity rates in the U.S. but at the same time, Federal and state incentives are tremendous and utilities must meet annual goals for solar electric production, so they’re eager to leverage residential solar power.”
More and more residents are opting to buy solar system in order to realize the greatest electric bill savings and receive income from solar credits. A solar purchase is also often a way for eager homeowners, whose roofs don’t fit the stringent specs that a solar lease requires, to actually “go solar,” George said.
Today’s solar electric panels are guaranteed for 25 years but are expected to last 40 years. At current electricity prices, a solar system pays for itself in six-to-eight years, depending on market conditions. For a typical Massachusetts homeowner, the lifetime energy savings average $76,200, according to RevoluSun.
“Timing and incentives have never been better for Massachusetts homeowners to go solar. We’re hiring as fast as we can to keep up with demand for solar education and installation in the greater Boston area,” said Doug Pierce, GM of RevoluSun’s Newton office.