Nautilus Solar Energy announced the acquisition of a 15.1 MW community solar development portfolio from SGC Power.
SGC Power has six projects located across five counties and three separate utility territories in Maryland, and will produce enough energy to power 3,300 subscribing households in the region.
The projects are at various stages of development and construction with most of the projects expected to reach operational completion by Q4 2020, Nautilus Solar Energy said.
The six projects are part of a larger 32.8 MW portfolio of Nautilus community solar facilities located throughout the state. All projects are qualified under the Maryland Community Solar Pilot Program to bring clean, local, job-creating, and affordable energy to all Marylanders.
Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) projects will provide guaranteed 25 percent savings to more than 1,500 low-income subscribers in Baltimore Gas and Electric (BG&E), Potomac Edison, and Delmarva Power and Light Service Territories.
All other residential subscribers to Nautilus community solar projects are guaranteed to save 10 percent annually, as compared to traditional retail utility rates, says Jim Rice, co-CEO and co-founder of Nautilus Solar Energy.