MNRE issues draft guidelines for 3000 MW Grid – Connected Solar PV


The 1000 MW bundling Scheme introduced under National Solar Mission (NSM) Phase-I is announcing various incentives to set up solar power projects across India.

The proposed 3000 MW solar PV projects to be selected under Batch-II Tranche- I of NSM Phase-II will be implemented by NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVN) on Solar Parks developed by government.

It is to be noted that, MNRE is planning development of 25 Solar Parks across various states of the country.

The scheme aims to facilitate the elevation of solar capacity addition under NSM Phase-II achieving economies of scale to supplement grid power.

Indian Solar Projects

In addition, the scheme will enable faster implementation of the new projects to be selected to meet the Phase-II target of NSM, providing long term visibility and road map for solar power development.

The Solar Park Implementation Agency (SPIA) will be responsible for allotment of land and connectivity.

There may come different situations like either entire or part of the tendered quantity will be located in Solar Parks in the State. It may also be like a part of the tendered quantity located outside the solar park.

The 3,000 MW Solar PV Capacity under Tranche-I will be set up based on the model of bundling of solar power with unallocated thermal power and fixed tariffs.

Minimum project size will be 10 MW. NVVN will divide the projects into uniform size and also divide the bid lot into different sized projects to match plot sizes in the solar park.

The e-bidding process will be done state wise, which will be based on fixed levellised tariffs.

Moreover, the selection of bids will be based on the lowest tariff quoted by the bidders.

NVVN will purchase the solar power generated at the quoted tariffs and thermal power at the tariff determined by CERC.

In addition, NVVN will bundle the solar power with thermal Power from NTPC and sell the bundled power to willing state utilities under 25 years of power sale agreement.

Sabeena Wahid