The Maharashtra government on Thursday proposed to set up of solar power systems as an integral part of water supply projects to be taken up under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT).
The proposal was made in the State Annual Action Plan (SAAP) for 2015-16 presented before the inter-ministerial apex committee for AMRUT.
“Officials of the Maharashtra government explained to the apex committee that using solar powered pumps for operating pumping stations would enhance financial sustainability of water supply projects proposed to be taken up by the state government under Atal Mission,” the urban development ministry said ina statement.
Representatives of the department of expenditure supported this proposal.
“The apex committee accorded in principle approval to the proposal and directed the state government to undertake detailed cost-benefit analysis before proceeding further in the matter. Maharashtra is the first state to make such a proposal,” said the statement.
The apex committee also approved SAAP for 2015-16 for three states of Maharashtra, Bihar and Himachal Pradesh with a total project outlay of Rs.2,870 crore for improving basic infrastructure pertaining to water supply, sewerage services, storm water drains, urban transport and green spaces and parks.
As per AMRUT guidelines, the central government will provide assistance of Rs.1,349 crore, including Rs.938 crore for Maharashtra, Rs.332 crore for Bihar and Rs.79 crore for Himachal Pradesh.