Inaccess to monitor Sarigua solar power plant

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Inaccess, providers of solar monitoring and control systems, announced the commissioning of solar power plant optimization solution, insolar, at 2.4 MW solar power plant in Sarigua, the deserts of Panama’s Herrera province.

Sarigua is the first grid-scale solar array owned by La Empresa de Generacion Electricita (EGESA), Panama’s grid operating firm.

The Inaccess’ insolar monitoring system will optimize plant performance and financial returns through a network of monitors providing real time data, fault detection and analysis.

The system will monitor performance of the plant’s hardware and integrate information from Panama’s grid to optimize for market factors like demand and price.

Sarigua was connected to the grid in March 2014. The plant now meets 30 percent of the area’s electricity demand catered to 2,600 local homes.

Aris Polychronopoulos, CEO, Greenwood Biosar, said, “The monitoring solution provided by Inaccess will help in identifying  malfunction at the plant, allowing operators to act quickly, ensuring financial safety.”

Christos Georgopoulos, CEO, Inaccess, said, “Company is providing support to the international expansion of strategic partners like Greenwood Biosar by leveraging Inaccess’ ability to create monitoring solutions to address specific needs of markets.”

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